As a press on nail business owner, you will want all the press on nail tips you can get to help along the way.
This list of do’s and don’ts are press on nail tips that will help you to be faster and more efficient in your press on nail business.

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This post is about press on nail tips – DO’s and DON’Ts you should know.
1. Do polish nails with the brush parallel to the nail.
Don’t polish nails with the brush at an angle as this will cause uneven polish.
2. Do brush off excess polish from one side of the brush before applying to the nail in order to have thin layers of polish. Don’t apply a brush dripping with polish to the nail in order to avoid thick polish
3. Do let the polish settle on the press on nail for 2 seconds before curing to allow the polish to even out. Don’t put wavy or bumpy polish immediately under UV light to cure.
4. Do apply 2 to 3 coats of base coat to add strength to a flimsy press on nail.
Don’t skimp on adding a base coat as it will help secure the polish and provide stability for the nail.
5. Do brush off excess debris from filing before applying polish. Don’t apply polish to nail with excess debris.
6. Do order full cover press on nails.
Don’t order tips as they will not work for press on nails.
7. Do file the plastic tip off each nail gently. Don’t file the tip so much that you change the shape of the nail
8. Do buy nail stands. Don’t just buy one set. When your processing nail orders you can go a lot done a lot faster if you have several nail stands set up.
9. Do apply multiple coats of polish. Don’t apply thick coats of each layer…thin coats only.
10. Do buy top coats.
Don’t buy anything but “no wipe” top coats as they cut your time down because you don’t have to wipe the nail with alcohol after applying the top coat.
11. Do polish nails while on the nail stands. Don’t hold the nail stand at an angle. This works against gravity and causes the polish to pool at the tip of the nail.
This post is about press on nail tips -DO’s and DON’Ts you should know.
In your experience, do the press on nails have to be painted with gel polish? Or could a business be made with regular polish on the press on nails? I have heard that gel polish dries with a more hardened feel and makes the press on nails less flexible.
Hi yes, in my opinion, they don’t have to be painted with gel polish but you will find gel polish to be more flexible and easier to work with, it lasts longer and gives a more professional look to the nails.
Though a business could also be made with regular nail polish as well you would need to seal them with a gel top coat because again the gel polish will look more professional and last longer than regular clear polish. Keep in mind too that regular polish dries differently than gel polish and could become a hassle for you when creating nail art, trying to fulfill multiple orders, etc. Gel polish allows you to have a lot more control than regular polish does. Hope this helps 🙂