Here are some press on nail tips on other items you can sell along with your press on nails. While press on nails alone will bring you in a good amount of money. You could also benefit from selling complimentary items, like those listed below, to increase your sales. These items would include other items that customers buying press on nails would also be interested in.
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This post is about press on nail tips on items to sell along with press on nails.
Cuticle oils are a great complimentary item because they help the health of your customer’s cuticles/nails, which makes their press on nails look even better. Choose bottle designs on amazon here.

Make sure to include a sizing kit to help customers easily find their press on nail size.

Nail charms/designs are a great option as well since you can buy them in bulk and sell in singles or packs depending on the size.

Nail stickers and/or wraps are quite popular as people use them on their press on nails and/or their natural nails. If you have the ability to make them yourself (blog post coming soon) it would be a lot cheaper but you could also buy them wholesale online.

Another great press on nail tip is to sell glue along side your press on nails. Customers will run out of the mini tubes included in your prep kit and need more. You could have the mini tubes available for purchase. Also, if you can find the bigger brush bottles in bulk those would come in handy for those that would like a bit more.

You could also sell your prep kits as some customers would love the option to order extras.

This post is about press on nail tips on items to sell along with press on nails.
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