I’ve put together a shortlist of press on nail supply essentials that I have personally used and that you would certainly find useful in starting your press on nail business. I love sharing with you guys press-on nail supplies and tools that I find useful and that I think will make your life a little easier.
I always let you guys in on items I have actually used myself, that have been useful to me in some way in my own press on nail business. But, there are also items I recommend because I think you may find them useful. Please let me know which items you’ve found useful in your press on nail business…I’d love to hear what you think! 🙂
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I’ve listed some items in this post but for a FULL LIST OF ALL SUPPLIES I’VE USED AND RECOMMEND, click the link below to head on over to my Amazon Storefront.
Nail Lamp
You’ll definitely need a nail lamp, can’t dry gel polish without it. I’ve found that 54 watts worked great for me in the beginning (I actually still use this lamp), but later I purchased a second lamp of a higher wattage, which I love. The higher the wattage the better the cure but I haven’t had a problem so far with either nail lamps. Make sure the nail lamp you choose has 60, 30 and 10 second timer settings.

This made life so much easier when getting all your press on nails out and ready for the stands. A lot of the nails you purchase will come in little bags, so being able to put them in these containers will make your life so much more efficient! You can even label the insides with the number of the nail sizes, so it’s easy to just grab and get started! I was able to fit 3 types of nails in each container. They’ll come in a set of 2 containers. Or a cheaper option is these individual containers from Dollar Tree.

Nail Stands
When I’m creating press on nails I find that I love both types of nail stands you see here. One style gives you the ability to move the stand individually if you’re doing certain types of nail art details on the nail. The other stands I love how narrow the top portion is and how much more sturdy they are, they stay in place a little better. I think it’s really preference as to which one you’ll love the most. I would say give them both a try and see which you like best, then buy several of them! Buying several stands will help you to work a lot faster when processing orders.

You need something to package your press on nails, right?! Hands down the 3 pack jewelry boxes from the Dollar Tree are THE best option for me! I buy them in large quantities from their website then pick them up in-store to avoid the shipping cost. If white isn’t the color for you, I’ve noticed in store they have other color options like metallic red, metallic gold and holographic. I’m sure the colors available depend on your location and what they have in stock. If all else fails they do have them on Amazon in bulk.
Mounting Tape
I started with the dollar tree white mounting tape, which works good enough. Later I found that this clear mounting tape works waayyy better and looks better. It really grips the press on nails and you won’t find them falling off after all the moving and shaking your package will go through during shipping. Amazon has them in so many different price points and sizes.

Mounting Putty
This is my definite go-to for sticking my nails to the nail stands. I’ve tried so many different types of mounting putty and this one is by far my favorite. I literally just stock up on these. You get a good amount in the packages and they work very well. I would just make sure to change them after every press on nail set you finish. Also, you could try Dollar Tree version called Poster Tak, which works decent enough.

Business Cards
I include one in every single order. I ordered the “mighty 3.5 by 2.5”, matte with rounded corners through Zazzle. You can order them in packs of 100.

Bubble Mailers
I am in love with these pink bubble mailers. No idea why packaging my press on nail orders in these makes me so happy! You can find them in so many colors! I love that they’re matte and super cheap.

Quality Gel Polishes- colors like white, and some pinks
This is where all the magic happens…the polish! I love to buy gel polish! I mean I literally don’t think you can ever have enough colors! My absolute fav gel polish is Beetles! There are so many other brands out there to try like Aimelee, Madam Glam , etc. Check out my Gel Polish Pinterest board for more gel polish brand ideas. It really just depends on your budget. My go-to colors would be white, black, don’t forget nude, and as many pinks as you can stand. And don’t forget purple it’s quite a popular color in the press on nail world as well!
Looking for full cover press on nails to try check here. Some of my favs are by Vcedas, Una Bella and ECBasket.

Base coat, Glossy topcoat and Matte Topcoat
Now, what would any gel polish be without the right support?! If you’re not using a base coat… what are you doing! If you’re not using a topcoat shame on you! 😜
To be honest my absolute fav topcoat is MATTE hands down! It just looks so freakin good to me! But I think glossy will always be a customer favorite!

We all know I absolutely love everything Beetles!
I also tried this brand GA&EN once before as a cheaper option and although the product is definitely not the best, for the price and the amount of product you receive, they get the job done so I would say they’re worth checking out.

Dotting Tools
Other than using these for dot designs you can use them for certain designs like cow prints, easy hearts and some geometric designs. These doting tools will make your process so much easier.

These Makartt brushes are great for nail art. I would have liked one more added to the set, which is their really long (20mm) black brush for the really long line work. Also, the larger brushes can be used for dusting off debris from filing.

Wax Pencil
A must-have if you will be using rhinestones! Pick up your rhinestones with ease. I wouldn’t even think of touching a rhinestone without one of these wax pencils. They come in many designs and last a really long time!

Prep Kit Contents: They are all sold in bulk
Mini Files
These mini files are cute and really get it done. I definitely recommend!

Mini Glue
This glue seems to work really well and Makartt is a great brand! I have not heard a complaint yet and I’ve been using them for years.

Cuticle Stick
Gets the job done and you’ll get a nice amount for only $5! You won’t run out of these for quite a long time.

Organza Bags
Grab these to use for holding your prep kit items. They’re so cute, inexpensive and there are a variety of color choices.

Nail Foil Glue
If you’re going to use nail foil stickers, then you absolutely need to try this foil glue. This is by far the best for using foils whether you use the Makartt brand foils or not. You only need 60 seconds under the UV lamp and it’s good to go. I would opt for getting the foils with the glue in order to get the best deal.

Organizing Trays
These handy trays from Joann are so nice to look at and they keep all your stones together in one place. They are stackable so they’re easy to store away. These will also keep you so organized and I love that they are clear so you can see what you need, just grab and go.
Nail Polish Rack
I absolutely love this rack! I can see all my gel polishes. It rotates and it’s easy to put together. This thing holds so many gel polishes! You can fit at least 30 polishes on each tier. Also, there’s a middle section to put even more!

Lint Wipes
These are so handy and the size is perfect for wiping down your nails with alcohol. I purchased this particular set because not only does it include over 900 wipes but also comes with a container for the alcohol and a container to house the lint wipes.

Mini Nail Light
The mini nail light is so convenient especially when creating nail art. You can flash cure as you work, saving you a ton of time when creating nail art.

Clear Containers
These containers can be used for so many things but in particular when you have mixed gel polishes to create a custom color. I think they are really convenient for storing those mixed colors so as not to waste product. This particular set includes labels as well.