First, if you are looking to find out how to find your press on nail size for purchase, then take a look at this post.
If you are looking to create a press on nail sizing chart for your customers, then follow along with me below as I show you what to include in a press on nail sizing chart. Or you can purchase a template I created here. The whole point of creating this chart is so that your customer has something to reference in figuring out their size when looking to purchase your press on nails. Customers will need to understand how to measure their nails in order to purchase the correct size and this chart will help them do just that.
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This post is about what to include in a press on nail sizing chart.

Creating a press on nail sizing chart is really simple. I think the hardest part is over, which was all the sizing and measuring you did before this step. You would be making sure that you take the time to measure each press on nail shape you purchase for your press on nail business so that your chart works for all the nail shapes you will sell, even if you have to make a separate size chart. Sizing is everything with a press on nail business, if the nails don’t fit… 👁👄👁
If you’d like to skip the below and just say “chile please” and order my template that’s already set up for you, click here to get to my Etsy page. If you’re all “I got this” then keep reading.
A press on nail size chart should include a few basic things… let’s start creating our sizing chart.
You’ll want to make sure your chart includes these three things:
- Picture of the Nails with Millimeter Measurements(mm)
For this, you can take nails sized 0-9, paint them a color of your choice and take a picture of them. Then open Canva and get to work! The measurements should be placed on each nail in your picture, then put the nail sizes at the top of each nail. When your customer measures their nails as you instructed, they should end up with a millimeter (mm) number that they will match to the number shown at the top of the nail on your sizing chart.
For instance, using my chart, if they were to use the fabric measuring tape to measure their ring finger and came up with 13 mm, then they would find that number on the sizing chart and write down the corresponding number above it and that would give them the number 4 as their ring fingernail size. Your customer would write these numbers down from thumb to pinky. They would enter the numbers they have written down when ordering their nail sets.
If for instance, in the same scenario the customer came up with 13 1/2mm then I would recommend they write down number 3 as their ring fingernail size. It’s better for them to size up and have to file the nail, than to size down and have parts of their natural nail sticking out from under the press on nail!
2. List of Standard Sizes
These are basically the size of the average person’s natural nails. However, if these don’t fit your customer, then they will need a custom size, which means they can’t fit the standard sizing exactly. You will want to let them know that they can send a message with their custom size for each of their nails.
3. Instructions on How to Measure
You’ll want to make the instructions as simple as possible. You can see in the pic above I give three steps to measuring. You want to tell them what they need (fabric measuring tape), what part of the nail they need to measure (the widest part) of their nail, and how to actually get their size (count each line on a cm ruler to get the mm number).

Lastly, make it look pretty with nice fonts and colors, throw in a picture of some measuring tape and you’re good to go!
This post is about what to include in a press on nail sizing chart.
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