Press on nail sizing kits are a simple way for your customers to find their nail size and ensure they get the perfect fit. You’ll see below how easy it is to create them. Sizing kits are so simple and fun to create. Also, check out our Pinterest board for more ideas on sizing kit ideas.
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To buy our editable sizing kit templates on Etsy click here.
This post is about creating press on nail sizing kits.
You’ll want to send them out right away as the faster the customer receives them the faster they can find their size and order a set of your press on nails. Sizing kits are normally sold for $2-$5 depending on how much detail you put into your cards.

- You could use our template and send your file to a company like VistaPrint to have them professionally printed for you for about $30 for 100. With this method, you would only need to stick your nails on and write the name of the nail shape. No need to worry about a printer or running out of ink. Or you could create your own, which is the absolute cheapest route, but you’ll need a printer. You’ll need paper sized to fit in the packaging you choose. You can buy heavy cardstock paper on Amazon, which comes in a variety of colors. I’d suggest a strong cardstock-like paper that’s a little sturdy. You can add a sticker of your logo, which can be created on your Cricut, or a template from the sticker paper company you choose. Make sure you include your logo. Also, make sure you measure the space you want to place the logo sticker in order to purchase the correct sticker pack. Then you could handwrite the nail shape on each card as seen below.

2. You may want to make sizing kits available for each nail shape and length so that your customer can choose based on the nail set they are looking to purchase, this will make sure they always have the perfect fit. Make sure to include the nail shape name on the card either handwritten or printed. Make sure to use a marker and write the size numbers on top of each nail.
3. Use mounting tape to keep your press on nails in place. They are sold in either white or clear.
4. Depending on the size paper you choose, your packaging could consist of these clear ziplock party bags at dollar tree, which are sold 40 in a pack. You could also try these little snack bags from Amazon (shown in the picture above) that come in bulk in a variety of colors. If you use 4×6 cards then you will need 5×7 bags. Another option are these clear resealable cellophane bags. If you look around Amazon, you’ll also find them with stripes, polka dots and other designs.
This post is about creating press on nail sizing kits.