Now that you have these bomb press on nails, you must be able to show them off with bomb pictures. This post will guide you on how to best take pictures of press on nails.
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In the beginning and a lot of times even now, I still use my iPhone camera. iPhones take really good pictures. I do however, sometimes use my Canon MX50 but this is not a necessity in the beginning. I would suggest using what you have, then maybe later investing in a camera. I’ll show you how to take and edit to get great pictures of your press on nails using an iphone.
This post is about how to best take pictures of press on nails.
What you will need:
- IPhone camera
- Light source
- Flat surface
- Decorative/plain cloth or paper
Lights, Lights and Lights
Pictures will play a huge role in your press on nail business. My suggestion for taking great pictures of your press on nails, is to have great light. This can be done in many different ways, you just have to find what works best for you. You can try daylight bulbs, a ring light, overhead light, etc.
To save money in the beginning you could take pictures of your nails in natural daylight and call it a day.
You could also buy LED light bulbs to use in the room where you will be taking your pictures. I use the Great Value 75-watt LED Daylight bulbs for my nail room and they work great! Even better are the 100-watt Refresh LED Energetic Daylight bulbs. They are pretty awesome! I tried these in a 2 pack and absolutely love them, but the Great Value bulbs in the 4 pack are more cost-efficient and work well enough.
Keep in mind that sometimes, when taking pictures of your press on nail sets, the camera doesn’t pick up the correct color and you need to edit the picture to get the color to show correctly, as close as possible to what the nail colors are in person.
Below I’ll show you how I take my press on nail pictures and how I edit them on my iPhone. Keep in mind I NEVER EVER use flash at all!
Below: Taken using my ceiling light with one of the lightbulbs mentioned earlier and a floor stand ring light off to the side—with the editing outlined below. This picture came out great!
BEFORE (the nails look darker than they actually are)

AFTER (with editing)

I absolutely love this picture! This is actually more of how the nails look in person so the editing turned out great! See below my process for getting this picture!
Easy Editing Process (IPhone)
Find the photo gallery on your phone
Select the photo
Select Edit
First I always decide if I want to select “Vivid” (the only one I ever use in this section) for some pictures (like this one) I chose to leave it at “original” and continue on to the next step.

Then I select the little dial icon and scroll through until I get to Shadows. Then I scroll using the little lines underneath until I get to the number 100. You’ll get used to this as you play around with the shadows and brightness of each picture. You’ll know what number to stop at as you get used to looking at your picture change as you adjust the shadows and brightness.

Next, I scroll through the large circles again until I get to Brightness. Then I scroll through the brightness using the little lines underneath until I get to the number 75. Then hit done.
That is literally all that I do! Just make sure as you’re editing that you aren’t altering the color of the nails too much. You want them to look as close as possible to the actual color of the nails you see in person.
Also, there are so many different ways you can set up your picture and so many different backgrounds you can use to give your pictures a little something extra. Take a look at some of my past pictures for ideas. Or you can stick to just plain white backgrounds with nails in the box, it’s really up to you.
Literally, any flat surface could be a background, using a small square of fur for instance (I use this a lot) or contact paper, countertops, a decorative box, poster board, your floor, your bedspread, etc. There’s also an enormous amount of 12 x 12 craft paper designs and colors to choose from (JoAnn/Hobby Lobby/Michaels). I picked up a few of these and they work great! Pick colors that complement the actual press on nail set colors and/or only use your brand colors it’s up to you. The sky is the limit!

This post is about how to best take pictures of press on nails.
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