Ever wonder if you really need to put a base coat on fake nails? Well, you are not alone. After all, when creating press on nails, the quality of the nail is going to come down to how you prep the nail. Everywhere you turn you keep hearing about the almighty base coat. So you’ll be surprised to know that, the answer is yes and no, but let me explain.
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This post is about whether you need to put a base coat on fake nails.
Whether you need a base coat on fake nails will depend on your preference and the technique you feel comfortable with while prepping your press on nails.
I personally prep my press on nails using method 1, but there were times in the beginning when I only used method 2. I’ve found that either method works, so it’s just a matter of what you feel comfortable with and what makes sense for you.
Here I’ll show you three methods you can use to prep your press on nails:
Method 1
- Buff
- File tip
- Dust off debris
- Wipe with alcohol
- Add gel polish
- Add Top coat
Method 2
- Buff nails
- File tip
- Dust off debris
- Wipe with alcohol
- Add base coat and cure
- Add gel polish
- Add top coat
Method 3
- Wipe with alcohol or add dehydrator to each nail
- Add a primer to nail then let air dry (you can find protein bonds or nail prep dehydrators from Amazon). The dehydrator is originally made to get rid of any oils that may be present on the nail and the primer has a sticky layer that gives the gel polish something to grab onto. It also helps your gel polish to go on super smooth.
- Add gel polish
- Add top coat
Overall, if you have issues with your technique in applying the gel polish then you could try method 3 because it may help you with a smoother finish and its definitely faster since you don’t have to cure the primer.
When I first starting creating press on nails I always used method 2 putting a base coat before nail glue, but after some time I started using method 3 as my preferred method. I found that method 3 is a lot faster and more efficient in getting the job done. I didn’t need to spend the extra time buffing, which cut my application down by about 10 minutes and the application turns out great every time without any lifting.
Try each method yourself and see which you prefer. I don’t think there is a right or wrong method, its just a matter of what works best for you.
This post is about whether you need to put a base coat on fake nails.
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